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致电所有Orange SPV M3100所有者

时间:2022-08-02 10:04:03 来源:

原标题:致电所有Orange SPV M3100所有者

有橙色SPV M3100吗?你们能为我尝尝吗?我以为是我遇到了这个问题,但是在搜索反馈论坛后,似乎 其他人也有。问题似乎出在M3100上通过GPRS / 3G浏览Orange World网站的某些部分时。

For example, if you turn off your WiFi (to ensure you’re using the Orange connection), then open Internet Explorer and click Favourites->Orange World. Now scroll down to the bottom and choose “Orange Finder”. The error I get is something along the lines of “We are sorry, we cannot determine your mobile number. It appears that you are not using the Orange WAP settings”.

